Central Texas Floodplain Reforestation Program

Tree impacts–especially to iconic Cypress trees–along the Blanco River is still evident from the 2015 flood.  Those trees are a key part of the riparian habitat and help stabilize banks to minimize erosion.  We learned that Treefolks is expanding a floodplain reforestation program to include Travis, Hays, Caldwell, Bastrop, and Burnet counties. The program works … Continue reading Central Texas Floodplain Reforestation Program

Ecoli Monitoring in Cypress Creek and the Blanco River – April 2021 Results

The Wimberley Water Advisory Group, a group of volunteers, has monitored both Cypress Creek and the Blanco River near Wimberley for E. Coli bacteria for decades.  Long-time supporters of this data gathering effort, the WVWA is coordinating with Pete Anderson and the volunteers to expand the availability of this monthly data collected during the swim … Continue reading Ecoli Monitoring in Cypress Creek and the Blanco River – April 2021 Results